Join us in 2023 for the 32nd World Congress of the IALP

20 - 24 August | Auckland, New Zealand
Congress Theme: Together Towards Tomorrow

Pau mai na te perehitini IALP | Welcome from the IALP president

As we start our plans for 2022, think a little further about 2023 and the 32nd World Congress of the IALP.

The President of IALP but also New Zealand welcome you - consider Auckland in your plans for 2023!        Watch Pam Enderby here!


Consider your marketing budgets for 2022 and 2023, split your supporting investment in the IALP.
This Congress only occurs every 3 years, so engage with the global audience while supporting this forum for knowledge share through sponsorship and exhibition. 

The congress covers all aspects of speech & language, voice and swallowing disorders, audiology and hearing & balance sciences. 

Contact us to learn more about how we can spread costs across your budgets.


Our Call for Abstracts will open mid-2022,

but have you given your thoughts and ideas on themes and topics you want to learn more about?    The IDEAS FORM will be open until end of February!

Click to submit your ideas (not an abstract just your programme suggestions!)

GET SOCIAL Make sure you are following us on social media. Help to spread the word of this global gathering, like, share or retweet!

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