Developing a community-based FEDS service in Children’s Disability Network Teams (CDNTs)
This seminar will focus on development of FEDS services in CDNTs. This will include how to support SLTs to have continuous development of their FEDS competencies to enable them to deliver safe and effective FEDS services as part of interdisciplinary teams in CDNTs nationally. There will be a primary focus on Paediatric Feeding and Swallowing difficulties in complex needs as well as information-sharing on the SLT role as part of an interdisciplinary team in aversive feeding pathways. Current trends in terminology will also be discussed, including some information on Paediatric Feeding Disorder.
Learning Outcomes
Participants will learn about:
Speaker Bio
Síle is a Clinical Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in Feeding Eating Drinking and Swallowing (FEDS) working with children who have complex needs as part of an interdisciplinary team in Spraoi CDNT, Portlaoise since July 2023. She graduated from Trinity College Dublin in 1998 and completed Basic Dyshphagia Training in 2000 while working in Tallaght Hospital, developing a keen interest in the area of Paedatric FEDS. To further her expertise in this area, she has participated in a variety of FEDS courses through her career in Tallaght Hospital and Enable Ireland Kildare Services, including the Post Basic Dysphagia course in Manchester in 2004.
Síle’s previous and current roles include active involvement in service development nationally, regionally and in her local team. Nationally, she is a member of the IASLT working group on FEDS standards and a member of the IASLT National CPD Committee. Regionally, she is currently a member of the HSE CHO8 Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) currently completing FEDS guidelines for CDNTs for national implementation, and provides clinical supervision and FEDS support to SLTs across the Laois and Offaly CDNT network. Locally, in Spraoi CDNT Portlaoise, Síle is leading the development of FEDS services to families supported by the Spraoi team. She also provides clinical leadership as the vice-chair of the local HSE Interagency Fussy Eating working group, which has designed and implemented an interdisciplinary pathway for integrated support. Síle remains passionate about supporting SLT CPD as part of interdisciplinary teams to deliver local FEDS services to the highest possible standard with families of children with complex needs.