Professional Practice News

Professional Practice News

Launch of National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care

HIQA has published new National Standards for Information Management in Health and Social Care

Posted: 09 July, 2024
Professional Practice News

New HSeLanD Training Programme: Swallow Screening in Acute Stroke

This programme will be live on HSeLanD by COB 26-06-24

Posted: 01 July, 2024
Professional Practice News

National Consent Policy 2022 v1.2 Update

Commencement of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act in 2023 required certain updates be made to the HSE National Consent Policy 2022 v1.2 to ensure it is aligned with the provisions and intention of the Act.

Posted: 11 January, 2024
Professional Practice News

Update for Members - HSCPA Meeting with HSE Chief Executive Officer

On the 18th October 2023, the HSCPA met Bernard Gloster, CEO of the HSE. This was the first tme ever the HSCPA secured a meeting with the CEO of the HSE.

Posted: 25 October, 2023

Return to Full Membership Guidelines, 2023

The IASLT Return to Full Membership Guidelines are designed as a tool to support Speech and Language Therapists who have not engaged in clinical practice for 2-10 years.



This document has been developed with consideration of the IASLT’s Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics Document (2022). The IASLT Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics decrees that SLTs may only practice in areas in which they are deemed competent.

Posted: 04 March, 2024
Professional Practice News

HSCP Professional Development Funding Opportunity - TCD Assessment & Management of Frailty in Ageing Adults (Standalone Online Module)

The National Health and Social Care Professions Office (NHSCPO) is delighted to offer the following professional development opportunity to all eligible HSCPs working with Older Adults in a HSE funded post:

Posted: 30 May, 2023
Professional Practice News

Booklet - HSCP Study Day ‘HSCPs Delivering Integrated Rehabilitative Care for Older People’ on May 18th

HSCP Study Day Booklet which showcases HSCP lead rehab initiatives.

Posted: 25 May, 2023
Professional Practice News

The DSS is now open - Decision Support Service: Resources for you

We have spent the past number of months developing a range of useful resources to help everyone better understand our functions and our services, and you can find links to these resources.

Posted: 25 May, 2023
Professional Practice News

Call out to Members - Swallow Screening in Acute Stroke Expert Advisory Group

Expression of Interest!

Posted: 06 April, 2023
Professional Practice News

Assessments of capacity under the Part 4 & Part 7 of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act Update

Speech & Language Therapists are one of the groups listed in the act as prescribed classes of professionals to undertake assessments of capacity of persons seeking to make, vary or revoke a Co Decision-Making Agreement (CDMA) and/or an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA) applications under the 2015 Act

Posted: 29 March, 2023
Oireachtas submission February 2023

IASLT Oireachtas submission February 2023

IASLT were represented at a recent Oireachtas Joint Committee on Autism meeting (28th February 2023). This submission was made in advance of this meeting.

Professional Practice News

Standards for residential rehabilitation of older people

A modern healthcare system must do more than just stop people dying. It needs to equip them to live their lives, fulfill their maximum potential and optimise their contribution to family life, their community and society as a whole.

Professional Practice News

Rapid Prompting Method - IASLT response to the Joint Committee on Autism


IASLT Statement

Consultation on Draft Advanced Practice Framework – December, 2022

IASLT sought feedback from our members and the wider SLT community during this consultation process. Overall, while feedback is generally very positive among the speech and language therapy community in Ireland, regarding this document and the overall AP Framework.

Posted: 31 January, 2023
Community News

National HSCP Office Newsletter - Issue 12 December - 2022

Welcome to Issue 10 of the National Health and Social Care Professions (HSCP) Office Newsletter. The National HSCP Office, established in 2017, is part of the HSE’s Chief Clinical Officer Division.

Posted: 21 December, 2022
Professional Practice News

Summary of recent meeting with Minister Rabbitte for IASLT Members


Posted: 21 December, 2022

Letter to Secretary General re Chief Health and Social Care Officer, November 2022

Letter on behalf of Health and Social Care Professional Alliance to Mr Watt regarding Chief Health and Social Care Officer.


Advances in Communication and Swallowing - Special Issue Invitation - Technology and Aphasia

Technological advances are being harnessed to develop novel and exciting approaches to the assessment, rehabilitation, management, and selfmanagement of aphasia. Technology provides platforms for peer-support and advocacy with, and for, people living with aphasia.

Posted: 06 July, 2022
Community News

IASLT's Response to comments made at the Committee on Disability Matters, in the Oireachtas

IASLT recently wrote to Prof Mac Lachlan in response to comments made at the Committee on Disability Matters, in the Oireachtas. Please see a copy of the letter attached.

IASLT Press Release: Aphasia Awareness

IASLT Press Release: Aphasia Awareness

The communication disability Aphasia has garnered much media attention recently. In recent coverage, it has been inaccurately described as a cognitive disorder.

Posted: 13 April, 2022

Quick Reference guide for Improving GP Communication with Disabled People

With thanks to IASLT Member Karen Henderson MIASLT who was involved in the development of this reference guide.

Posted: 24 November, 2022
Professional Practice News

Did you miss our DSS event?

Many thanks to everyone who virtually attended our 'Decision Support Service: What, When and Why' event recently. Since the event concluded, we have been inundated with requests from people who were unable to make it. The recordings of interviews and videos are now available.

Posted: 04 April, 2022
All Our Job Adverts

Job opportunities

Find out about all the latest speech and language therapist posts

Posted: 15 February, 2022
IASLT DLD Press Release

IASLT DLD Press Release

Ballyboden GAA senior hurler Karl Reddy (23) is raising awareness of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) for international #DLDday on Friday 14th October 2022!

Posted: 07 October, 2022
Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015

Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 - Status Update

February status update on the preparations for the commencement of the Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015. Please share this amongst your teams and representative groups. If there is further information you would like to have included for the next update in March please advise.

Posted: 01 March, 2022
DSS codes consultation and panel recruitment

DSS codes consultation and panel recruitment deadlines

Consultation on the codes of practice and panel recruitment deadlines

Posted: 07 February, 2022
IASLT Community News

What is Aphasia?

There has been significant media focus nationally and internationally on aphasia given the recent statement detailing actor Bruce Willis diagnosis of aphasia. This focus has shone a welcome public light and gives us an opportunity to promote awareness and understanding of Aphasia.

Posted: 31 March, 2022
ICCMS invitation to submit expression of interest

HSCP Reps-Integrated Community Case Management System Work Streams

Expression of Interest!

Posted: 17 February, 2022

Assisted Decision Making Updates

The Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015 is due to commence in June 2022

Posted: 04 February, 2022
Free HSE Webinar For IASLT members

Safeguarding and restrictive practice within Intellectual Disability services

See recording link for Safeguarding and restrictive practice within Intellectual Disability services. Recorded on 1st February 2022 from the National Quality Improvement Office, Community Operations - Disability Services.

Posted: 02 February, 2022
National HSCP update

National HSCP Office Update: Launch of Telehealth Toolkit and Practice Examples Document.

The HSCP has two new telehealth resources developed by the National HSCP Office.

Posted: 19 April, 2021
Policy Brief

Policy Brief: Optimising stroke care for living well with aphasia.

Launch of new policy for people with aphasia in Ireland, led by IASLT Member Dr. Molly Manning.

Posted: 12 January, 2022
Resources Available

HSE Disabilities Quality Improvement Team - Webinar Friday, 12th March 2021.

This event is now over- however the new national documents for disability services are available to members.

Posted: 18 April, 2022
Community News

Children in Care and Young Adults Leaving Care

A Literature Review of Irish Research

Posted: 27 April, 2023